277 words Did Jim make an unethical decision in the movie "Passengers"? [spoilers] 447 words Can someone please EL15 Chalmer's hard problem of consciousness? 493 words Would societies be better off if, just like with math and science they taught philosophy throughout the majority of public schooling? 216 words Existential Crisis over Free Will and Determinism 424 words Gödel's incompleteness theorems show that even logic and mathematics require certain assumptions (I think?). What would a world look like if logic and math as we know it did not hold? 172 words What should I expect in a college philosophy class? 718 words Should a vegan find aesthetic value in culinary arts that use animal products? 175 words How does consciousness become holistic? 263 words Dice rolls and how they relate to moral truth (sort of?) 226 words Do the bulk of contemporary philosophers agree or disagree with J.S. Mill's accusation that Kant's Categorical Imperative is based on consequentialist reasoning? 168 words Can we ever know if we are in the Matrix or not in the Matrix? 197 words The role of "association" in Hume's account of ideas 352 words Can I major in philosophy? How do I know if it's for me? 825 words Why does Marxism seem to be so much more prevalent in philosophical circles than in economic ones? 207 words At what point does the interpreter become the artist? And the art just the canvas of the interpreter? 227 words Can it be considered morally wrong, to raise your child to be religous? 192 words Weighing options for a PhD 164 words It seems like the "hard problem of consciousness" doesn't have anything specifically to do with consciousness? 185 words My theory on what is real: (Tell me what you think?) Would appreciate as much critique as you can think of. 197 words Best course of action when a friend does something detestable, in the interest of reducing overall suffering in the world?