167 words "Nothing Comes from Nothing"— A Plainly False Principle? 145 words What makes a cup not not a cup? 149 words Any philosophical texts/papers on Coronavirus? 150 words Is there a reason to live? 211 words If modal-realism is real, then would that mean fictitious stories and worlds be extant? 373 words I have to write an essay on the topic "Given that every theory has its limitations, we need to retain a multiplicity of theories to understand the world." What could be some possible counter-arguments? 246 words Why is violence wrong? 232 words Free will & determinism & time - book suggestions? 212 words Strawman is a logical fallacy in which one person oversimplifies or misrepresents someone else’s argument to make it seem less plausible. Is there a term for the opposite, where someone oversimplifies or misrepresents their own argument to make it seem more plausible than it actually is? 177 words should we avoid forming opinions on topics we aren't well versed in? 424 words How do we know that we are all consciously experiencing the same moment in time? 167 words What's the difference between science and philosophy? 230 words Kant and omosexuality 182 words A level philosophy help: analytic a posteriori 190 words What should I know before reading Heidegger’s Question concerning Technology. 129 words In highschool I read the “four hosemen.” Who are the “old” atheists, and how are they didferent from the “new” atheists?‬ 128 words Richard Carrier's response to "ex nihilo, nihil fit" 193 words Is it nonsensical to ask - Why SHOULD A be A - Why SHOULD a Sun be a Sun or have the necessary features of a Sun - Why SHOULD water be wet? 194 words If we live in a deterministic universe, free will is impossible. I've looked into compatibilism and it's either a dazzling evasion or I just don't get it. What am I missing? 115 words Are there philosophers of language who argue that predicates are attributive descriptions of the subject? Is there a body of literature on this?