207 words Looking to get into philosophy where should I head? 148 words Who do people think of Hobbes as a "liberal" thinker? 605 words What is meaning? 126 words /r/askphilosophy Open Discussion Thread | July 08, 2019 163 words OCD and Solipsism, how do I overcome this? (Long post, sorry) 497 words If Edward Feser's argument for Aquinas are sound according to many philosophers. Should atheists accept it and believe in God? 128 words What are some best arguments for eugenics? 167 words What is the general consensus on David Benatar and Anti-Natilism in the philosophy community? 333 words Were Hegel and Marx against democracy? 177 words What does it mean to experience free will? 235 words /r/askphilosophy Open Discussion Thread | March 18, 2019 400 words Was Wittgenstein inspired by the science of his day? 114 words /r/askphilosophy Open Discussion Thread | March 04, 2019 144 words Does the Quantum Suicide thought experiment provide evidence as to Many Worlds interpretation of QM? 316 words Questions about the free will debate 489 words Questions about the free will debate 313 words How do I stop caring about the fact that I will stop existing after I die because I never want to die? 146 words What would you say to convince someone that says that sex is a social construct just because humans ''decided'' how to define it and what to include in every definition? 201 words Does my argument against Plato hold? 187 words [Critique my "argument"] - A paradox forcing the belief in moral objectivism