132 words Enhanced Parasitic Mutualism due to Covid-19 Immunosuppression of Anti Parasitic Antibodies that are tied to Toxoplasmosis - Suppressed and Censored Research 181 words Someone didn't tell him about the heart issues with the vaccines 131 words Just something to keep in mind 199 words UK just released all cause mortality by vaccination status 222 words Your Soul Is 'Owned' By The Vatican - Santos Bonacci 197 words Is the pandemic over? 425 words Coronavirus is the greatest hoax of our lifetime and makes me wonder what else in history we were lied and misled about 121 words Racism is the oldest divide and conquer 307 words Can we talk about the Conspiracy Theory that the Rothschilds lost their wealth and aren't major players today? 178 words Yet the COVID vaccine was mandated in less than a year 204 words 3 things Amish don't like : government, public school, healthcare system. They've reached herd immunity without any vaccine, little excess morality and keep living as they wish. Isn't that the perfect example that COVID is just about control? 133 words Thanks to the person who held this great poster in the Netherlands on Sunday 3rd October 219 words Doctors, Parents Sue HHS Over COVID-19 Vaccine Emergency Use Authorization in Children Under 16 158 words Whistleblower Documents: Nearly 50,000 Medicare patients died within 14 days of getting vaxxed. All of them were considered NOT vaccinated by the CDC. 237 words You just don't understand art... 133 words To the banished heroes, thank you. The healthcare workers who lost their jobs for resisting the vaccine have remarkable courage. Thank you so much for everything you have done, risking your lives, helping people, and fighting the unknown everyday. Words cannot describe our gratitude. It's not over. 215 words "When you cut out a man's tongue, you're not proving him a liar; you're telling the world that you fear what he might say." 150 words Our diet changed more in the last 50 years than in the 5000 years before that. 67% of early deaths are related to diet 200 words Looking for a NASA video of an astronaut entering the International Space Station (ISS) and when he opens the door it tears the wall on the side 590 words What happened to her case? No updates for months...