145 words People who were fired, what were the warning signs? 319 words High School Classes Gap 423 words I'm a 40-ish English major and single parent who is learning to program. Can I get the job I want? 132 words Has anyone here experienced someone at work that was an awful developer that turned it around and became a "rockstar"? 1,080 words An overachiever developer is making our lives hell and we don't know what to do... how do you deal with people like this? 127 words Why do people respond to someone spending money as "we pay them too much"? 277 words Getting into the US from EU as a new grad 295 words DEAR PROFESSIONAL COMPUTER TOUCHERS -- FRIDAY RANT THREAD FOR November 09, 2018 299 words Went from 0 ideas how to code to Cali internship in 4 months. Here's a complete list of internships & companies to apply for 240 words Went from 0 ideas how to code to Cali internship in 4 months. Here's a complete list of internships & companies to apply for 140 words Recruiter gave me a verbal offer but reneged on it 3 days later, saying the initial offer was not to be taken as final. 306 words Daily Chat Thread - October 22, 2018 248 words Remote work discussion thread 157 words Big 4 Discussion - October 07, 2018 341 words I do not feel respected at work 135 words Asking for internship deadline extension 140 words Daily Chat Thread - August 31, 2018 112 words Currently working and have an IT degree - Is switching to software development possible? 142 words Daily Chat Thread - August 11, 2018 197 words Big 4 Discussion - August 08, 2018