211 words [Meta] [Vent] Can we stop attacking people who ask for help? Please? 229 words [Breeds] [Help] I know nothing, and I need to find the right dog 243 words Survey for people who own one dog [Survey][Link] 527 words [vent] I'm sorry my dog isn't a rescue? 341 words [Help] I'm muzzle training my dog - but how can I manage others' reactions/fears when he's muzzled in public? 346 words [HELP] Adopted a Pitbull today and now have second thoughts.. 464 words [DISCUSSION] Do you think it is ok to leave your dogs in the car for an extended period of time (minimum of 30 minutes up to several hours) if you leave the car running and the heat/AC turned on? 392 words My dog pees when she's in trouble [Help] 755 words [discussion] [help] Indoor dog park that serves beer! Looking to get this business in gear! What do you think? 347 words [Discussion][Help]In the process of trying to create a new dog park for our local community. 303 words [VENT] Please, for the dogs sake, DO NOT get a dog if you can't pay for it. 1,388 words [Meta] New breed questionnaire for "What breeds are right for me?" 816 words [Help] Never owned or cared for a dog before, thinking of getting one, advice? 1,005 words [Help]Getting a dog. 489 words [Help] I need some help. How can I make my babies happier? 354 words [Help] Left roommates alone with my dog for a day, they get into an aggressive fight while I'm gone, I come home to my dog limping and unable to use back leg. What do I do? 360 words [Discussion] Is homemade dog food better? 389 words [Help] Returning my very first dog to the shelter. Am I a dog person at all? Could I be? 341 words [help] Please help me chose a puppy 731 words [Help] - very limited funds available, trying to find a quality dog bed solution for our 15 year old, 100 pound labradoodle.