[Help] I need some help. How can I make my babies happier?

Hi Kalithe virgo!

Where do I even start. No I'm not looking for validation, I'm looking for suggestions that I can implement that best suit MY situation with MY dogs!. It's interesting though that you honestly believe you gave sound advice for what is happening at my home. Because you don't know me and because you don't know my dogs either you really have no clue how much I care and love them. (But hey I post once on a subreddit with limited details of our entire situation).

I don't believe I am way in over my head. My partner and I have done amazing things with our two dogs and I have yet to met more loved puppies. However due to my partners job he is away for one month for training for his apprenticeship which means I am alone with two dogs.

Has this ever happened before to us in the two years we've owned our dogs? Nope! Will it happen again after this month is finished? Yes once every year for four more years.

With my partner here on the days I worked late he did obedience training with both of my beautiful puppies. When I was home we went to a fitness trail and did long walks up and down hills to keep them stimulated.

But now it is just me, and I have a very small, smart adult dog and a very large, beautiful puppy. So I'm in a bit of a pickle!!

Not only are my dogs stressed because their dad has suddenly disappeared but I am stressed from working and having two dogs who are stressed and are doing naughty behaviour. When I work late at night I have to call my neighbour to ensure it's okay they keep an eye on them until I get home at 8.30pm because I have no one else available in my life who can do that for me.

Instead I have a condescending mother who tells me I'm failing my dogs because I'm trying my best to juggle my life priorities. I also have commenters on this subreddit (like you) who are also telling me I'm only looking for validation and I'm a bad dog owner.

So listen when I say this. I'm not fucking rehoming my dogs. I'm not leaving them inside because I know how frustrated and upset they get and then I have even MORE stressed dogs on my hands! I am no taking ridiculous suggestions that do NOT suit our situation.

I'm looking for ideas that can help establish a proper routine for the next month until my partner comes back and we can fucking go back to normal. For right fucking now I'm looking for some help on how to keep MY dogs HAPPY. How I can HELP give THEM the BEST right now!

So please take your opinion fold it nice and tightly and shove it up your bum.

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