211 words For me, the hardest part of gamedev is external validation. 850 words I find that the lack of scale in steams review system is a detriment to writing reviews 117 words Need Advice From You Kind Devs 230 words How do I get over myself and break cycles of accomplishing nothing and/or abandoning projects? 211 words Is Steam Slaughtering Indies to Feed AAA Companies? 700 words Have you ever suffered any discrimination by fellow game devs because of the engine/tech you use? 315 words Please back up your work 132 words Experienced programmer here, starting to make games as a hobby. Many, many questions about standard practices. 125 words When the hell are you guys going to form a union? 182 words How Much Will Digital Sculpting & Texturing Change in the Next 5 - 10 years? 207 words Would you be interested in a simple MMO dev tutorial? 323 words I got abused because I trusted my PR-Agent (EVIDENCE). Learn from this, I potentially lost over 250 000 USD$ (PART3). 386 words What quirks/issues do you encounter with your current engine of choice? (Unity, Gamemaker, etc) 161 words Source code for the Player class of the platforming game "Celeste" released as open-source 160 words I built an interactive game in Augmented Reality, what do you say? 155 words Developing a rut 1/3 of the way though my project. When work becomes.. well.. work. 154 words Don't bother submitting your game to these sites for reviews 121 words Unreal Engine vs Unity. Which one do you prefer? 508 words Is it indulgent for me to make games? 173 words My partner is bailing on our project...