652 words why haven't unions been a thing for years 130 words Any successful projects from revshare collaboration? 200 words i can't learn from youtube 153 words How is this PNG image file partially animated ? 134 words Can't Get An Entry-Level Job in Game Dev? 121 words "It's already done before" 244 words What is stopping game freak from creating Pokémon games with two regions like Gold and Silver 258 words How has your gamedev journey been so far? 153 words Preferred text editor 149 words What's your experience with multirole gamedev? (doing the art, music, coding yourself) 253 words What makes most of us gamedevs hate blockchain tech? 148 words What's after game design? 292 words How long would it take one person to remake a AAA game from 20-30 years ago? 178 words As a C++ developer: learning Unity or Unreal Engine 4 first? 669 words Curious case of serialization, Unity and refactoring 181 words I'm a new game dev, who quit my programming job of 1 week, and will use my families passed down inheritance to support my plans for a 4th dimensional video game story idea. Which game engine is best? Anyone willing to hold my hand or work for free? Also I'm leaning towards making my own game engine. 678 words Is it reasonable to learn GML if I want to make this my career or should I choose something more mainstream to begin with 121 words What is up with the "release now fix later" model and how could we vanquish it? 153 words How many copies should I sell to be profitable with this game?(Only on steam) 201 words Have you ever felt as a gamedev that you do not enjoy playing games as you used to do before being a game dev?