252 words Dr. Feldman's 1st [Co-Authored] Article On MBI 172 words Amanda/Ren puts vitamins into her med case to make it look like it’s fuller than it is, and says the vitamins “aren’t pictured” 264 words Jaq discusses her EDS differences compared to Izzy. Inconsistencies incoming! 305 words Delete if not allowed; I’d love a mod to contact me! Just wanted to tell you that in a very prominent FB group people are discussing this sub pretty critically and there has been chat of people coming on and “revolting” against us. Here’s the initial post, I’ll comment more pics. Idk how to imgur :( 127 words Bethany says in comments on her page “I always have to stick myself bc nurses can’t get the needle in” 145 words Ren is back on a new Instagram andstillshelives 280 words A tribute to Tina’s tube woes for pain medication December 2018.. just one of the several countless tube troubles she’s had that required hospitalization “bUT I DoN’t WaNt tO bE coNsiDered a DrUG adDIcT”. (Will delete if determined not picky) *i can’t use Imuger* 133 words Amanda/Ren 126 words 12/19/2018 - Let's play spot the differences! (Amanda's Long Hard Night) 124 words More AJ cringe.. about to watch this 163 words Its a Fistula but not a Fistula 221 words I doubt Aubs doesn't jump at the chance of more testing... 79 words I’m so happy to see that reading CA’S latest posts the Drs have had a breakthrough and the whole team now knows she’s completely full of crap!!...that’s why she’s hasn’t been recovering with standard treatment !! 191 words A comment I found on SDP‘s Instagram (2/6/18) I hope you can read it, collage is kinda bad 118 words I lost my boyfriend and best friends because I was outed for having Münchausen Syndrome. AMA.