199 words Church releases new video: How to Cope When a Loved One Changes Beliefs 156 words When the Q15 deliberately hid unsavory church history details did they also commit the sin of "steadying the ark?" 153 words Trinity 255 words They hated him for he spoke the truth. 184 words What Adam & Eve teach us: Following a simple decision rule (obey the Church/don’t obey the Church) is not good enough... when Satan came along, he was right about the fruit, but, like the LDS leadership, not everything he said was right. Finding our own answers is what spiritual grown-ups do. 540 words 'A Letter to an Apostle,' the Raison d'être 175 words Emasculation of Men & Rise of Feminism in Mormonism 674 words 5 Must-Read Books for Ex-Mormons 280 words The Deliberate obfuscating of the Luciferian Connections between the Evolving Temple Endowment & Joseph Smith's Masonic Initiation in Nauvoo by LDS Apologists 445 words KUER, Lee Hale: Mormons lament the lack of more female speakers in conference. (commentary: if women's remarks were represented by Joy Jones, then that was quite sufficient.) 207 words Crises of faith: faith in what exactly? 557 words What do Mormons make of Nephi decapitating Laban in 1 Nephi 4? 528 words What do Mormons make of Nephi decapitating Laban in 1 Nephi 4? 172 words What do Mormons make of Nephi decapitating Laban in 1 Nephi 4? 316 words advice to a new member? 598 words What A 19th Century Campaign To Declare Mormons ‘Non-White’ Tells Us About Modern Islamophobia 375 words I was just told by a TBM that the terrestrial / telestial kingdom are not considered lower levels of heaven, but rather higher levels of hell. Is this something most mormons believe? 304 words Mormon church opposing Utah medical marijuana bill 354 words Sexism and Colonialism in Johnny Lingo 1,551 words Phrases in book of mormon from 19th century sermons?