380 words Having a hard time deciding to stay or leave the church over the new policy.. hard choices 324 words BYU-ID, 2015-2016 catalog: some highlighted policies from p.6 give notice of an exemption to non-discrimination laws and that "Academic Freedom" requires parroting the doctrine and policies of the church. Push comes to shove: Moses, chapter 3-15,21-22 wins out over Darwin. 424 words Mormon Happiness vs Every Other Type of Happiness 425 words There are essentially two groups of Mormons: those for whom the program works and those for whom it doesn't. For those it works for, Mormonism is about joy and fulfillment in this life. For those it doesn't work for, Mormonism is about sacrifice and waiting for the next. 420 words This post at r/exmormon reminds me that I look forward to the day when the work of forensic accounting can begin in earnest. No criticism of those looking to change Mormon consciousness by other means, but my sense is that ultimately the org's greatest fear is an utterly mundane accountability. 309 words The documentary "8: the mormon proposition" claims that these videos were made with funding from the Latter Day Saints, and are/were copyrighted by Intellectual Reserve, Inc. The url, preservingmarriage.org has an interesting redirect... 290 words I'm worried that I'll lose my church membership. 341 words I'm worried that I'll lose my church membership. 598 words On Bigotry; Mental Illness; Learning Disorders; and being Neural Atypical. 537 words I'm coming back, what should I expect when I go through the repentance process with my bishop? 376 words Brethren, adieu.