261 words Arabic translators did far more than just preserve Greek philosophy 668 words There's no way, statistically, that consciousness isn't a physical phenomenon 249 words [blog]On Hegel’s Project in the Science of Logic 182 words Political philosophical debate on inequality being inevitable 175 words Epistemology: The Problem of Knowledge 269 words "There is no way we can state that two plus two equals four or that snow is white, without being committed to objective truth." -- John Searle defends objective truth from post-postmodernism 569 words How to deal with arguments of age and (life) experience 245 words If determinism is true, then we have free will 356 words Lawrence Krauss And Robert Wright On Physics, Philosophy, And ‘New Atheism’ 311 words Lawrence Krauss And Robert Wright On Physics, Philosophy, And ‘New Atheism’ 197 words Teaching philosophy and other topics to the disadvantaged populations. 236 words The string theory wars show us how science needs philosophy – Massimo Pigliucci | Aeon Essays 200 words Noam Chomsky - Understanding Reality 185 words How Rousseau Predicted Trump: The Enlightenment philosopher’s attack on cosmopolitan élites now seems prophetic. 475 words Can someone please explain why the notion of Artificial Consciousness is not absurd? 229 words A look at how Fear drives society, from Thomas Hobbes to Donald Trump 267 words Sara L. Uckelman: Why should we care about history of logic? 261 words A Better Kind of Happiness: Aristotle’s eudaemonia and Brian R. Little 'core' projects 199 words A Better Kind of Happiness: Aristotle’s eudaemonia and Brian R. Little 'core' projects 272 words Man missing 90% of brain poses challenges to theory of consciousness.