157 words You have more in common with a psychopath than you realise 317 words /r/philosophy Open Discussion Thread | July 15, 2019 155 words Animals in the wild often suffer a great deal. An interview with Persis Eskander, researcher at the Open Philanthropy Project on what, if anything we should do about it - 80,000 Hours Podcast 117 words The Simulation Hypothesis: this computer scientist thinks reality might be a video game. 522 words Technology and the Virtues: A Philosophical Guide to a Future Worth Wanting 218 words There is no morality special to sex: no act is wrong simply because of its sexual nature | Alan Goldman 140 words The language of sexual negotiation must go far beyond ‘consent’ and ‘refusal’ if we are to foster ethical, autonomous sex 396 words The Anti-Natalist Paradox 253 words Six foods that will help boost your sex life and also make you last long in bed 118 words Philosopher’s NYT op ed explains philosophy of testimony and how it can mitigate fake news and other misinformation. 123 words The case of the Isis 'Beatles' and the danger of making exceptions for the death penalty 1,097 words My analysis on why nihilism might unhinge some minds 235 words On how to create the right epistemic environment for public debate 152 words Is there a right way of doing things? 117 words Legally-Recognized Friends: the legal benefits of same-sex marriage should be expanded to other relationships 117 words Suffering and 'The Middle Path' 195 words ''Fake it until you make it'' is common advice for unconfident people and imposter syndrome. But Bayesian reasoning argues that it takes more than willpower and good intentions to succeed 301 words Some think the mind is an immaterial soul. Others think it is just the brain. But there are many, many more views than that. Here's a flowchart to keep track. 129 words What If we didn't have human needs (physical, social, and esteem)? 143 words Abortion: Potential-life and Becoming-life