Noam Chomsky - Understanding Reality

I'm a big Chomsky fan. Reading and listening to his work filled massive gaps in my education and his political views appeal to my values and morals. However, for all his towering intellect, he is brutal and savage in argument.

I must say that Chomsky helped cure me from a period of extreme liberalism or leftism 10 years ago.

I have read some of his political writings about Israel at the time, and I was forced to admit to myself that he freely distorts reality.

I don't have the will to bother finding particular quotes, but I recall him quoting Israeli Journalists as evidence in favor of his analysis of particular events in Israel, and as an Israeli I knew these particular journalist were not trust worthy, and that the particular quotes that he used were factually questionable to say the least. Few Israeli journalists bother with the truth. most of them are strongly led by their own agendas and political views, whatever their leaning is, right or left.

If you extrapolate his methods of thinking on politics to his scientific work you get to where /u/celerym is headed.

Chomsky is, or was, too smart for his own good.

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