125 words AZ court rules businesses can refuse service to same sex couples. 154 words What’s your unpopular Phoenix opinion? 160 words How to (and how not to) use a HAWK signal 208 words Need someone to talk to bout living here similar to me 187 words Phoenix slides $68k to Firefighter union boss for MMJ-tax botch job ... nothing to see here. 149 words Phoenix slides $68k to Firefighter union boss for MMJ-tax botch job ... nothing to see here. 253 words A Basic Traffic Reminder 221 words Mesa's Finest at it again... 123 words Hey y'all, here's the Imgur gallery for the Arizona 2018 U.S. Senate Candidates infographics. Pls keep it civil, feedback always welcome! Candidate website URLs are in the captions 302 words With the camping season upon us, id just like to remind everyone of this. Please help us keep this beautiful state clean! 131 words My extremely reasonable, intelligent friend is running for Senate but has the worst logo I've ever seen. He needs signatures just to get on the ballot, take pity on him please. 214 words Some words of advice concerning heavy traffic and when that person stops short to let you through as you wait to turn.... 308 words Whats it really like living in Phoenix? Below the 10, and between the 17. 351 words Opinions of living in south mountain? 221 words It's impossible to recycle here 275 words Visiting PHX in July 263 words Non profit ex race horse organization needs new property 170 words State Transportation Board approves multi-million wrong-way vehicle detection project 185 words Phoenix is the nation's 5th largest — but is it a 'real' city? (article) 482 words Why is it assumed people here are poor if they look young?