186 words If you grew up in America, was the education very pro-capitalist? 540 words Casual sex, Orgies and Socialism 266 words All lives will matter when Black lives matter 659 words In relation to Dallas sniper attacks on police: Why Marxists Oppose Individual Terrorism (Leon Trotsky, 1911) 313 words Brexit Megathread - News and commentary 284 words Antifeminism VS FACTS (Hbomberguy on Sargon Of Akkad, and common reactionary arguments) 792 words Socialists who live in rental homes, how do you feel when the absentee owner comes to collect the rent? 1,148 words Berned Out: Sanders Megathread 685 words Racism and Antisemitism in MArx and Engels writings 337 words Historic Question: before communism wasn't even installed in any country there were harsh critics of socialism, what were their arguments against it? 553 words Faithless - Mass Destruction Great leftist message in the lyrics. 338 words Belgian Worker's Party (ML) scores 14% in Wallonia and 5% in Flanders in recent polls. Right wing government loses majority after austerity measures. Socialdemocrats barely gain from anti-government sentiment and even lose in Wallonia. 495 words Noam Chomsky on Donald Trump: 'Almost a death knell for the human species' | Film 613 words Idiots use the economic crisis in Venezuela to attack Socialism (DemocraticSocialist01) 439 words (Question)Socialism, Communism or Marxism? 480 words (Question)Socialism, Communism or Marxism? 319 words My Problematic Understanding of Transgenderism 429 words [Activism] any tips for someone trying to start up a (Marxist) youth organisation with the goal for political activism? 766 words Can one support socialism and at the same time not be in support of radical social reform groups (Radical Feminism, Black Lives Matter, harboring refugees, etc.)? 896 words Questions about political activism and the "revolution"