398 words What got you guys into socialism? 655 words How will socialist society deal with depression? 538 words Are "PC Culture" and "Cultural Marxism" a Sort of Cultural Revolution Taking Place? 539 words Why do white working class people turn to the far right? 1,195 words On Extinction and Capitalism 485 words [Question] Does sexism exist widely today in the West? 338 words Have you ever came into contact with people who legitimately identified as fascists that knew of your socialist views? What was the interaction like? 262 words Neo-Nazis elected to Slovakian parliament for the first time 549 words The most honest explanation of liberals ever given. 512 words Let's talk about the "alt right" 365 words Liberal socialism article on wikipedia, it's trash, and is being voted on for deletion 719 words Bernie Sanders megathread, because I'm bad at puns 332 words Does anyone else find Socialist Consciousness overwhelming? 639 words I am afraid of nazism 944 words I am economically socialist and socially libertarian. What do you think about my views? Do you disagree with any of them? Lets debate! 517 words TIL that James Madison, 4th President of the US and Father of the US Constitution, said that a concern of the US political system is to "protect the minority of the opulent against the majority" 471 words How can the Left defend its self in the wake of the assaults in Germany? 823 words Bernie Sanders megathread, because I'm bad at puns 339 words Some questions from Paul Joseph Watsons video "Why Capitalism is Great" 475 words Communism is the Real Movement