All lives will matter when Black lives matter

I'm happy to see the BLM movement generating so many conversations, and hate the dismissive backlash it gets so often, which is in part why it pains me to say that I think this title misses the mark slightly. Progress is progress, so I'll take what we can get, but even if and when we earn equality for one group, and say manage to get people to recognize that 'Black lives matter', it won't necessarily mean that 'All lives matter'. When you look at the number of mentally ill people who are killed by police, for example, the numbers are staggering. Addressing race is extremely important, and the BLM movement is central to initiating important dialogues, but the systemic issues and hierarchy engrained in the police training and practice and culture will still allow for the oppression of marginalized groups, be it Hispanics or people with a mental illness, or any other group.

It is refreshing to see the article make mention of Aboriginal struggles. In Canada, this is something that our Native comrades struggle with a great deal, and it is tragic. But it seems like the article conflates Aboriginal struggles with Black struggles, and though similar in many respects, they are unique issues in many ways, and I don't think it's fair to lump them together when many people from each group, while empathetic to the other, do not identify as members of said groups.

Ensuring that Black lives matter won't signal the end of a struggle, simply that one part of the struggle has been achieved. The fight will have to go on.

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