283 words From charity to solidarity: a critique of ally politics 518 words What political ideologies did you follow before you found your current tendency? What changed your mind? 332 words Voting for Sanders in the Primary but voting 3rd Party in the General Election 300 words Voting for Sanders in the Primary but voting 3rd Party in the General Election 1,046 words Voting for Sanders in the Primary but voting 3rd Party in the General Election 330 words Serj Tankian - The Unthinking Majority 401 words Sex Work Against Work 382 words Help me get to know socialism a little better? 327 words I can't think of any more Sanders puns, I guess I am #BernnedOut: Bernie Sanders meta thread 619 words Ukraine bans Soviet symbols and criminalises sympathy for communism 293 words Why are the masses so content with capitalism? 372 words Weekly Discussion Topic: Karl Marx's Theory of Alienation 385 words Government Shutdown would Shut Down Food Stamps 365 words 76 years ago today, the Soviet Union joined Nazi Germany in its conquest of Poland. • /r/russia 305 words 76 years ago today, the Soviet Union joined Nazi Germany in its conquest of Poland. • /r/russia 307 words Please stop calling everything you disagree with liberal without further explanation. 264 words Made this, because I'm frankly sick of reactionaries calling me a liberal when someone calls out their racist, misogynist, or otherwise horrible views... 1,590 words Why I won't be cracking champagne with Amnesty International 359 words Liberals.jpg 402 words If everyone became skilled, would un-skilled labour become better paid?