113 words JRE moving exclusively to Spotify September 1st 139 words I got tired of seeing COVID ads, so I made my own with some friends. 148 words I made a progression video of my chin ups! 145 words The Dumbest Timeline 264 words Man uses tan injections to change his race 140 words At a tiny bar in Philadelphia in 1992, Tool plays for maybe 20 people and shows why they'd soon be playing for 20,000+ 125 words Dust in a Baggie 167 words Techno nuns smoking weed 159 words Inmate video of ongoing riot in Lansing Correctional Facility in Kansas.(Strong Language Warning) 147 words New video of Johnny Depp describing how he had his "finger chopped of by this woman who was my wife" - Amber Heard had previously claimed that he himself had injured his finger by punching a wall 127 words FBI collect a few masks from someone who was hoarding them. Just a few 177 words Border Security Expo - All Gas No Brakes 122 words What if Anne Frank was a vlogger? Intriguing video made by the Anne Frank House. Available in all countries where her diary is part of the public domain. (So not in the United States) 157 words Dog walker charged by unleashed pitbull while walking 5 dogs, handles it like a boss! 472 words Dog walker charged by unleashed pitbull while walking 5 dogs, handles it like a boss! 190 words Out-of-work strippers are delivering food through Boober Eats 173 words Jordan Schlansky Reports From Isolation 217 words CORONA VIRUS ICU PREPARATION "THE PREP" (critical care doctor here) 158 words Guy Curses Out Reporter Covering People Panic Buying! "F*** You, It's Your Fault" 208 words Corona Virus Song (translation in comments)