114 words Blizzard, quit pretending nobody ever gave you proper feedback. The degree to which you're looking down your nose at us is absolutely absurd now. 124 words So they want us to farm several Azerite sets for different occasions, yet they forbid gearswapping in mythic+, which was solely done to adapt your gear to the situation? 231 words Warfronts AFK Fix 160 words Screw you guys 134 words Blizzcon Virtual Ticket Rewards in a Nutshell 128 words Went to tank a timewalking and the scaling gave me 0 in all primary stats 123 words Controversial opinion: turn war mode on as alliance to balance things out to increase your faction and presence in the world. 217 words Girlfriend wants me to quit WoW 137 words Murloc Monday - ask your questions here! 128 words The Ion AMA made me feel embarrassed 133 words I noticed when making a group people's proving ground medals show. How do I see mine and can I change it? 143 words When someone says "If you don't like BFA, just unsubscribe" 179 words I know Horde are the baddies this expansion, but wtf 141 words It is astonishing how good the expansion is visually and narratively and how bad it is mechanically 133 words The Azerite system and all it failings IS the equivalent of the Legion Legendary system. The problems are obvious, and so are the solutions, but you can bet your ass that they wont be fixed til 9.0 pre-patch. 179 words You can switch between War Campaign/Class Hall/Garisson reports by right clicking on the mission icon next to the minimap 147 words Players are reporting they are receiving perm bans for abusing the WQ exploit. 158 words When people say that WoW is an ugly game that isn’t up to par with today’s standards, show them a screenshot like this one. 159 words Tanks, let your healer drink in mythics please. 169 words Murloc Monday - ask your questions here!