126 words Gold Carry Runs Are NOT Safe. 15 Guild Members Suspended; A Critique of Blizzard's 'Scorched Earth' Policies. 130 words How long have you been playing your main and what made you choose said class /spec? 123 words 8.1 Shadow Priest Changes 133 words State of the Subreddit: Flair Required, Dealing with Negativity, and More! 128 words 8.1 changes to azerite armor aquisition, currency from m+ to buy high level pieces 134 words Apparently Ion doesn't really like the Azerite grind either 116 words Remember those guys? Damn, picking a race for your priest back then actually had consequences... 664 words Class Megathreads: In which I feel embarrassed for Blizzard as regular players desperately attempt to explain simple principles to them 210 words This expansion is the fastest I have reached the "only log in for raid days" schedule 379 words Escape of Lothar and Human refugees from the recently fallen Stormwind, ending of the First War. (Art by Stanton Feng) 132 words Mythic+ does a great job at filtering difficulty and member skill 962 words Nostalgia or realism? 131 words Merging my old account with current battlenet 143 words Honest opinion: I am enjoying the start of BFA a lot more than I enjoyed the start of Legion. The thing currently ruining my player experience is the negativity bias going on in the community. 326 words After 10+ years of multiple different publishers putting out "The WoW Killer", all of them (so far) have failed to produce an MMO on the level of WoW. Jokes on them, the only game that can kill WoW is itself. 146 words Midweek Mending - Your Weekly Healing Thread 194 words I'm a tool for trying to pull mobs at my own pace? 178 words When a big company sees a detailed post breaking down their game using a word they've never considered and it gets over 40 Reddit gold. 157 words The Saurfang 8.1 Story Doesn't Make Sense For Many Races [Spoiler] 207 words Blizzard, quit pretending nobody ever gave you proper feedback. The degree to which you're looking down your nose at us is absolutely absurd now.