185 words Ganking Stalker. 114 words People who have unsubbed or don't play as often as they used to: what would reinvigorate your passion for WoW? 581 words Activision now runs Blizzard Entertainment. There is no longer a CEO for Blizzard Ent. How did we miss this guys? 123 words A Letter to Blizzard Entertainment 193 words Our mythic raid team just dissolved 116 words Uh... am i allowed to say no? 121 words This is some of the worst storytelling I've ever seen. This character went from sworn enemy of Sylvanas to her lackey in the span of 10 seconds. 195 words Sylvanas welcomes the new Horde leaders. 171 words BfAirl 236 words Everybody’s talking about Classic Servers, when what we really need is... 142 words Real Talk: Where THE HELL is Classic? 180 words Blizzard incubation team supposedly working on Pokemon Go-like Warcraft app! 122 words I think most people get wrong why people love Vanilla WoW 136 words Blizzard Is Reportedly Developing a 'Warcraft' Version of 'Pokemon Go' 192 words The True Warchief of the Horde! Varok Saurfang and the Dark Lady Sylvanas Windrunner. This is the Horde I want... Make Horde honorable again! (Artist: Atilla Kaan DINC) 172 words This is what happens when you and your friends talk CLASSIC 127 words Why does everyone Sylvanas raise suddenly become patriotic Forsaken who follow her unquestioningly? 527 words MoP and BfA have a couple of similarities... 462 words This is why Warmode failed. How did Blizzard miss something so basic? 152 words Skirmish Sunday - your weekly PvP thread!