134 words Mechagnome Customization Options 123 words Blizzard be like 192 words Chill group 223 words "In Battle for Azeroth: Its the Horde against the Horde, also the Alliance is there?" 136 words Soon™ 136 words [Firepower Friday] Weekly DPS Thread 198 words Honest question, but why is flying right now in this current time frame of the game bad for the game? 175 words Zandalari Regeneratin' Racial nerfed, heals more slowly at first and increased to 2.5M cooldown 536 words A few months ago Blizz touted new tech that allowed them to see what pulls in what dungeons were too hard. They implemented many changes that week and nothing since, what gives? 134 words Preach Gaming: How is BfA Right Now and it's Future 167 words And now the WoW Community is left with the worst CM you can imagine 199 words And now the WoW Community is left with the worst CM you can imagine 167 words Very upsetting they aren’t changing class design anymore this expac. Most classes are boring which is why I don’t care to do any content. 323 words Jaina shows her true form in Dazar'alor 114 words Some thoughts about the last Q&A 229 words WEEK 6! GIVE IT UP FOR WEEK 6 OF ALLIANCE WAR MODE BONUSES! 118 words Nomi's Ingredients for a Perfect WoW Expansion 146 words A long time real life friend & avid WoW player won't be resurrected ever again. He was 32. Rest easy, man 168 words The excitement for Allied Races is already gone for me 248 words How was the Horde meant to win a prolonged war when by the first patch they are already on the ropes?