123 words I need help finding a reason for a character’s vengeance 126 words Our Writing Anxieties 145 words What is one sentence that, when you read in any book, instantly makes you hate it? 199 words What do publishers mean when they talk about the importance of diversity? 134 words The best advice in writing is typically very simple, yet most people dismiss it because it either sounds too good to be true or they want shortcuts. 160 words A less negative take on the "ideas aren't novels" stuff that's been going around 125 words Author PSA: Amazon doesn't consider attacks on males to be a policy violation. Only females. 176 words Writing A Male Taking Notice of a Female 136 words I'll explain why I put a comma after "dress up." 210 words This is how you call out someone who plagiarizes your work 333 words How to write highly intelligent characters - A comprehensive guide 772 words So "you can't write about X because YOU aren't X"? 303 words Hit 200k words on the first draft of my first book, epic fantasy - had some questions 157 words On writing autistic characters 151 words Writing a story about a prince in exile. 195 words If you're asking "is it okay for me to write about...." 152 words A few questions about writing 289 words Odd question: If I was writing character first, and have a genre in mind-- speculative fiction. How do you suggest-- or any tips-- on finding the plot and not just mindlessly writing till something clicks. 121 words Opening scene 124 words Apparently I need help on conveying emotions in my characters.