18 [F4A] Daly City/SF Area

Since you are unsure of what to go for right now, my advice to you is to focus your major on "General Studies". This will allow you to complete the mandatory general education curriculum of your alma mater's system (alma mater means the highest school you graduated from) and give you plenty of time to decide upon a major to achieve a Bachelors, Master's, or Doctorate in.

I would recommend you try looking into English and Philosophy courses to complete for your general education breadth and see if you enjoy that more than the sciences and mathematics. But see what you enjoy out of general studies and then go for that. But don't let yourself get overwhelmed by thinking about what to major in or what to focus your career in until you've thought about what classes you were most interested in.

Anyways I'm 25 so I'm outside of your age range so good luck to you with finding some new friends. I hope my comments can help a bit with any fears or worries you face later throughout your life as you're growing up and stuck on figuring out where to go in college. You don't need to decide right now, try to focus on fulfilling your general education breadth but try to look for interesting things in your courses. Maybe a poet's writing is an interesting writing structure or biochemistry's explanation of how a mother can love her infant child through a hormonal response makes biological sense and is intriguing. Let your curiosity take you over and enjoy the stuff you learn.

/r/SFr4r Thread