(1997) Gillian Anderson promoting her debut single on the UK's GMTV.

Yeah, that always came off as strange to me. I get that she lived in England as a young child. I was in a similar situation, my family lived in Germany until about the same age she was she she left England. I was still young and went through most of school in the US so by the time I was a teenager I had no trace of an accent. I can switch to a perfect German accented English on demand, but I speak normally without it and the voices in my thoughts don't have that accent. Maybe that's not the case for her (everyone is different after all), but it has always felt that way to me when I've seen her do interviews with and without it. Especially since she seems to switch accents mid interview sometimes, as she does here. Don't get me wrong, she can speak however the hell she wants but it seems odd.

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