AITA for not picking up my girlfriend from a party?

I would say partly NTA as she did say she’d find a way home alone. But also partly YTA as she is kind of right, as a woman and drunk going back home at night in a city (I’m assuming ur near Melbourne city) it can be pretty dangerous. I live in brisbane and walking home at night sober in the suburbs creeps the fuck out of me. Even if she’s done it before and been safe, Melbourne is twice the size of brisbane so anything could happen any day. (If) you knew you would be having this paid tournament, perhaps you should have told her so she could be more responsible in organising transport back home. But also NTA as she can’t just expect you to drop anything to drive over an hour to get to a party. Idk, both sides kinda suck imo. ESH.

/r/AmItheAsshole Thread Parent