2 people hit by car in Town Center area of Virginia Beach, one killed

my girlfriend had an intoxicated man step out into heavy traffic so fast that she wasnt avle to stop before hitting him.

fucjed her car up and he refused treatment and walked away talking nonsense.

she hit him going at least 25 or 30 and bent the A pillar of her car.

police later found out he had given some false information and may possibky have a warrant.

insurance covered the 3k+ repair and shes super shook up.

it was right on independence, he was crossing into the southbound lane from the median, and had walked out in between the cars innthe two left turning lanes, and walked into a straight lane.

shes very lucky she had witnesses and cameras. not her fault.

terrifying shit, people really do either forget to look both ways, or its just way cooler if you step out and lets the drivers figure it out.

half the time when people jaywalk here they're not even looking. sometimes staring at their phones sometimes just staring ahead.

/r/VirginiaBeach Thread Parent Link - 13newsnow.com