[$20.09] ARK: Survival Evolved

I hope I'm doing this right. Hi. Since I was a little girl I've always been OBSESSED with dinosaurs. Completely, totally. I'd get gifted My Little Pony toys as a child, and I'd trade them to my older uncle for his dinosaurs. I had a savings bank, and every time I went with my Grandma to deposit that month's earnings/savings, I'd get another dinosaur toy from one of the kind tellers there. I went as a T-rex for my 5th halloween, and a Raptor for my 7th. I used to play with the other girls and boys on the playground as a T-rex or sabertooth when the other girls were faries and princesses.

I play a lot of open world crafting/survival games, when I can get them. They're my favorite type of game.

Adding the childhood obsession of Dinosaurs and the grown-up obsessing of open world survival games--- This game is like what would happen if younger and current me created a game together. It's the perfect game, from my point of view...

So why haven't I gotten it myself?

I'm 22, and in college. I live with a messy roomate and I work a low paying part-time job in retail. I can't get more hours, so most of my money goes to bills and feeding my cat. (Totally willing to trade a few pictures of my kitty, Veigar (Named after the Champion from League!) for this! Haha.) I don't have any money for buying things I want.

I've had a plan to save up to buy this game for myself, but it's completely fell through. Our water heater broke and I'm completely stumped on what to do. I'm stressed. I'd love the oppertunity to release my stress on hunting Trexes with an army of raptors.

If no one comes through, that's okay. This is just a dim hope anyways, but I really hope with all my heart someone comes through. <3

Love, PrinAlice.

/r/randomgifts Thread Link - store.steampowered.com