People of reddit who are laid back and dont get worked up about anything, how do you do it?

I've heard from so many people that I tend to overanalyze everything, which in turn induces worry (I don't know if this is anxiety). I mean, I just graduated high school and I'm off to university this year, and I'll be leaving all of my friends and family to go study in another country (who have been my support system), so I'm worried about how I'll fare. And I agree-- whether it be a friend who has a problem, or a family member who's sick, I'm always the one to stay rational and calm. I'm usually the go-to person if one of my friends has a problem that needs solving. But when it comes to MY own problems, I live by this motto of "not popping the champagne bottle too early". But I take this motto WAY too seriously. To the point where I was scared of having my offer rescinded by my university, even though the conditions of admission was to honestly just get my high school diploma and I've been maintaining a 4.0 GPA for the entirety of my high school career. And my university only rescinded a handful of people last year (like 10? 15?), so to most 'normal' people who got accepted, it was a stupid thing to worry about. All my friends told me it was impossible, and I knew that I wouldn't get my offer rescinded, but I couldn't stop thinking about it because there still was a chance, albeit a small one. It came to the point where I was researching community colleges to go to in case I didn't make it... I just needed to have a plan. I mean, that's a bad example but the result of that was I couldn't even celebrate my acceptance because of my tendency to overanalyze. And I've pretty much apply that motto to every single accomplishment I've ever achieved. It really eats into me and it sucks because I've never truly 'celebrated' my accomplishments until it's too late, and everyone's already over it. The teachers I'm close to keep telling me to stop overanalyzing but I honestly just can't. For example, my college essays. I edited those essays at least 15 times. To me, there's always room for improvement. I guess I'm scared of failure? Because if I fail, I know that it was due to my own complacency. And whenever I make a decision, my mind always goes into this pro/con mode. And that list usually goes on for forever. It's like my brain is this machine that I can't switch off, forever analyzing and analyzing. Honestly makes me so mad sometimes, and my friends never understood it. Does anyone have advice for what I'm going through? I've always envied people who seemed calm and collected. Damn, that was a long rant. Sorry to those who had to read this. I've just kept this bottled in for a while and it's frustrating af. I guess it's a double-edged sword, but nowadays, it's feeling more like a dagger than anything.

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