No. 1 Teemo's opinion on the changes as a Teemo Nerf

This is super weird, I think you are being overly defensive too linking his match history but you know I see more "nerfs" than buffs, saying that you need to use the bush in lane ( let's address top lane here), so if you need to use the bush that is near the wall the only thing that you are doing is making the champion go further from his tower, that means you can gank teemo very easily. Let's address mid lane now, you cannot hide on bushes ... done... Let's address bot lane (support), ok I like the idea you are always trying to get the chance to poke, you are going back and forth on bushes, sounds like a good plan, you can even blind enemy team adc, the think is... he is not bringing something meaningful in bot lane, why ? ... well Karma, Thresh, Annie, Sona, Blitz, Leona, are toooo way more useful than Teemo, they have AoE/CC/Poke they don't need to scale too much to do a simnifically dmg so they can go for Sightstone and a little bit of utility for the team ( Aegis, Frozen Hearth, Zekes, etc ), so I think that even that going for a support role sounds like a good idea, I think there is no spot there for teemo at least not yet. Let's say we are going for ADC, that means that blind and mushrooms are not going to do something meaningful in the dmg meters, utility using blind and a little bit of "kite" potencial using W and R. Sadly if you are going AD, you are not using anything from his kit to do something meaningful, even so I think you can play ad teemo not the best marksman.

So I can tell you I have seen Ivan's stream and he had experience with ad/attackspeed build, even so he relied on mushrooms slows, and the vision that the mushrooms brought was the key to success.

I think we can discuss this forever, the problem here is that ppl like they main just 1 champ could be affected by this changes and yes as the patch continues, the numbers will talk, just like Ryze/Elise/Kassadin Do you remember the patch when riot "balanced" Kassadin ( worst winrate now? ) ?, yes sometimes you need time to learn how to use it just like "Ryze" and figured it out the "balance" was super strong.

Maybe you are saying, win rate doesn't say much just like Azir as he has low win rate but he has a high skill cap, Sadly with teemo we don't have the tools to bring that "skill" to the max lvl, you play teemo with strategy not mechanically.

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