There are only 12 Master Penmen in the world, this guy is the youngest by 3 decades

Jake is a friend of mine. I'll offer the perspective I gained after volunteering with him for a few years. He's an absolutely solid guy, one of the kindest you'd ever meet. He comes off pretty over the top in this vid because he's very passionate about what he does, and they're asking him to elaborate. Jake used to be a fat kid, then he hit the gym and later entered a body building contest just to prove to himself that he could. after that, he found himself unrestricted by self-doubt. Yes, his thoughts on penmanship are a little lofty, but that's exactly what we should want in an artist. He doesn't draw pictures that reminds you of a thing, he draws that thing. Look up his realism drawings (particularly "old man and the sea" or the more recent CS Louis drawing).

Other thoughts:

Coors beer- inexcusable, for a craftsman. I'm under the impression that he makes good enough money on his art that he doesn't need to be a shill. However, I support him selling out if he wants to.

Master Penman - i always thought it was a funky program, but that doesn't me he doesn't deserve it. He sought out verification from one of the top penmanship clubs that exists, and got it.

His mom - nice lady. She's proud of her son, nothing wrong with that.

Marrying up- he'd probably agree with you. Not because of a low opinion of himself, but because he would have such a high opinion of his wife. Girls, you ever wanted a strong man who was also compassionate, patient, and steadfast? That's Jake. Tbh, he married after we no longer volunteered together and I've never met his wife, but I can't imagine her ever thinking she settled. Also: he has a monster dong. Probably.

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