[2015-09-07] Challenge #213 [Easy] Cellular Automata: Rule 90

This is my attempt at solving this in rust. I'm sure there are a lot of things I could have done better. I appreciate any suggestions for improvement. :)


use std::collections::HashMap;

fn main(){
    let mut input = "00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000".to_string();
    for _ in 0..25 {
        println!("{}", input);
        input = next_step(&input);

fn get_value(a: &char, b: &char) -> char {
    if *a == '0' && *b == '0' {
    } else if *a == '1' && *b == '1' {
    } else if *a == '0' && *b == '1' {
    } else if *a == '1' && *b == '0' {
    } else {
        panic!("Should never come here");

fn next_step(current_step: &String) -> String {
    let mut return_val = String::new();

    if current_step == "0" || current_step == "1" {
        return_val = "0".to_string();

    if current_step == "00" || current_step == "10" {
        return_val = "00".to_string();
    } else if current_step == "01" || current_step == "11"{ 
        return_val = "11".to_string();

    if current_step.len() >= 3 {
        return_val = String::new();
        let mut iter_a = current_step.chars();
        let mut iter_c = current_step.chars();

        let mut current_char = iter_c.next().expect("value");

        return_val.push(get_value(&'0', &current_char));

        for (a1, c1) in iter_a.zip(iter_c) {
            return_val.push(get_value(&a1, &c1));

        return_val.push(get_value(&current_char, &'0'));

    return return_val;

mod test {
    use super::next_step;
    // next step function

    // should take in 0 and return 0 because [0]0[0]
    fn simple_test_for_zero() {
        helper_function("0", "0");

    fn helper_function(input: &str, output: &str) {
        let input_string_reference = input.to_string();
        let actual = next_step(&input_string_reference);
        assert!(actual == output.to_string(), "Expected: {} Actual: {}", output, actual);

    fn simple_test_for_one() {
        helper_function("1", "0");

     * For 00 we should get back 00 because 00 == [0]00 == 0
    fn simple_test_for_zerozero() {
        helper_function("00", "00");

    // "01" == [0]01 == 11
    fn simple_test_for_zero_one() {
        helper_function("01", "11");

    // "11" = [0]11 == 11
    fn simple_test_for_one_one() {
        helper_function("11", "11");

    // "10" = [0]10 == 00
    fn simple_test_for_one_zero() {
        helper_function("10", "00");

    //"000" = 000
    fn simple_test_for_zero_zero_zero() {
        helper_function("000", "000");

    //"010" = 000
    fn simple_test_for_zero_one_zero() {
        helper_function("010", "101");

    fn functional_test() {
        helper_function("1101010", "1100001");
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