(AK) My father has been wrongly arrested.

I called the police because he wasn't safe at his own home, he was prone to getting hurt. I am well aware the role police... you think that the police job is only to mediate crimes? Priority 1: Protect vulnerable people and assess care of vulnerable people with complex needs. In this case my father was vulnerable to self inflicted injury. My father didn't even lay a finger on me nor did he retaliate when i tried to put him to bed he just got up shortly after trying to roam around.

You called the police on your violent drunk father. What did you expect to happen? He doesn't sound like a kind or gentle person at all.

Your comment saddens me that people like you exist with blatant ignorance. I have clearly mentioned this was the first time I've seen him act in that manner. He recollects the moments of his drunken fit, and exclaims that he had no intentions of purposely trying to spit on the officers face in retaliation. Being tied up and it was really dark too, I saw no headlights on the police vehicle, so reviewing what my father has told me it is plausible that he was unable to clearly see his surroundings. So him getting really upset for him to drink that much and to behave in that manner for the first time in his 61 years of life... that automatically makes a leeway for quick judgment of a mans character? I think people like you with illogical reasoning is the reason why so many innocent people who actually contribute to the community/society are being treated like criminals. This is irrelevant but just to prove to you that your perception is unaligned, i will leave you with this... This is a man who is getting older by the day and he willingly takes his own time off work to help a orphanage facility with repairs on the building pro bono.

/r/legaladvice Thread