3 years before the liberation of Auschwitz The Daily Telegraph reported the Germans had murdered 700,000 Jews in Poland through mass starvation, mass shootings and "travelling gas chambers". The article was quickly forgotten.

Hi - I am BobIsntHere - I am reposting this comment as I was banned from /r/history for posting this comment.

Remember as you read - I don't deny the horror of the Nazis, I don't deny or try to lessen the horror Jews faced, all I do is try to remind all that many tens and tens of millions of people who were not Jews also suffered and deserve to be remembered.

Yet my wanting to remind all many people died, many people deserve to be remembered, the mods here decided this was ban-worthy. Here is my comment as it was when I was banned -

  • Why is it people always and only refer to what happened to Yiddish Europeans as a slaughter? Yiddish Europeans were not the only people slaughtered by the National Socialists during WW2.
  • I'd really love to come across an article one day about this subject and see comments reflecting on all the misery, not just one singular portion of misery which to many is more important than others.
  • How many memorials are in the world to the Gypsies were were literally wiped from the map in several European nations and lost more of their overall population than the Yiddish European people did?
  • Why has the Holocaust turned into a "Yiddish Europeans" only suffering event?
  • edit I'm disappointed. Only at -2 votes. Usually when I recognize the Nazis killed more than just the Yiddish population of Europe I receive many more downvotes. Sad too, downvotes simply because someone wishes to also recognize all the others who died with the Yiddish Europeans. Actually it isn't sad, it's pretty fucking pathetic.
  • An estimated 100 million people were killed in WWII yet it seems only the 3-4 million Yiddish Europeans are important enough to remember or recognize. I give no apologies given for going against the grain and not only recognizing that the 97 other million deaths are as terrible, as sad, as the 3-4 million but stating in public that the 97 million deaths are as terrible and as sad as the 3-4 million.
  • Please, I ask you, downvote me - show everyone on Reddit what you think about someone who believes the slaughter of everyone is as terrible as the slaughter of Yiddish Europeans. Show everyone you think acknowledging the mass murder of Gypsies, gays, anti-Nazi Germans, Poles, Jehovah's Witnesses, the mentally ill, the physically handicapped is improper and offensive to the idea that Yiddish Europeans are the lone victims worth remembering - show everyone that Yiddish European deaths are more important than all other deaths and Yiddish European deaths are the only deaths worth commemorating. Downvote me, please, simply because I realize the horror of WWII went beyond the 3-4 million and included the 97 million others. .

I was literally banned for making a post that not only demanded but practically begged people not to only honor the Jewish dead but to honor all dead. Yes, Jewish people suffered, but so did so many others and impo I believe it is time we began to recognize all the dead and honor all those killed and not just one group of the many who were killed.

What is wrong with that?

/r/history Thread Parent Link - telegraph.co.uk