30 reasonable balance changes to Hearthstone revised. (Obviously not Blizzard)

Goldshire footman.

I'm asking myself, would I play this in aggro paladin?

My other 1 drops are abusive, argent squire (questionable, but I run a blood knight variant), leper gnome.

Only other option is probably southsea deckhand.

It's pretty weak so it doesn't synergize all too well with anything but absuive, doesn't escape 3/2 range when abusived. It does survive trading into a 2/1 but so does argent squire.

So would I run this over argent squire? Well, it's a situational taunt which is nice. It can protect my other stuff in the early game and it can clutch in the late game. It's very much comparable to annoy-o-tron.

I think that this change would be fine. It's not clearly and strictly better than other cards that we have on offer.

In zoo I think we'd maybe run this if not for voidwalker existing.


I don't see why undertaker should be durable enough to trade with a 2/1 and live.

I mean in a deck with any respectable amount of deathrattles this is going to quickly and easily become a 2/3 for 1.

I feel like it's a card for sticky decks and controlling the board should be stressed, the difference between 2 and 3 health is also a big deal in terms of tempo, forcing out stuff like wrath/dark bomb instead of stuff like holy smite and living roots.

Undertaker will see his day and doesn't really need the help.

Young dragonhawk

Yeah that's reasonable, not going to make it insane but makes it slightly better.

Nat Pagle

Honestly it's the same problem as old Nat Pagle with a slightly less consistent tempo loss to deal with him.

I think with him being like this he'd be a very consistent include again.

Novice engineer

Novice saw play awhile ago when miracle was still a thing, I think it's reasonable enough to think it might return eventually, right? I mean even with the power creep we've not really seen another 2 mana draw a card neutral . . . It think. Making it 1/2 would be reasonable enough though.

Dalaran mage

Better stat distrubution than soot spewer only for the price of the mech tag, while also being neutral. Kind of unreasonable.

Also could be compared to Velen's Chosen potentially, letting you spread out that 2/4 of value is pretty powerful.

I don't think that Dalaran mage will really see much play until a spell power based deck exists but once it does, it may. It's a fine card considering it's neutral and doesn't need that extra point of damage really.

Ice Rager

This is ridiculously powerful. Would make freeze mage have way too much lockdown and probably would find it's way into many decks that would abuse it quite heavily.

Lil' Exorcist

That's insane.

1 deathrattle: 3/5 for 3, already great stats.

2 deathrattle: 4/7 for 3, absolutely insane. That's an injured blademaster + circle of healing right there, with taunt.

Kind of just pushes any deathrattle decks out of the metagame.

Magma rager

Would I play this over explosive sheep? Probably not. But that's okay.

Silverback Patriarch

Eh. Sure.

Evil Heckler

Isn't this exactly what you'd wan to avoid? All this does is create a dead card, something I thought we were trying to avoid. Make it a 4/4 if you want to nerf it so badly at least so it doesn't die to 2 drops.

Also would make sense more sense to just buff Booty Bay rather than nerf this guy.

Piloted Shredder

I suppose that's fine. Shredder's pretty much one of the best 4 drops in the game, this opens it up to some weakness and still leaves it being a good card in general but also stresses the power of it's deathrattle/mech tag more instead of just general prowess as a 4 drop.

Thrallmar Farseer

Would I play a 3/3 with windfury? Probably not. That's a fine buff. Kind of just is is, funny enough, a better version of that dude that you have to hero power to get windfury though, isn't he? Mm . . .

Tinkmaster Overspark

I'm not entirely sure.

Dr. Boom/Boom Bot

Yeah, sure. Sounds good.

Illidan Stormrage

Didn't he cost 6 mana? I mean I think you just nerfed him, sure the +1/+1 is something but isn't worth it at all. He thrives in decks that can abuse his tokens and those decks want him to be cheaper and get immediate value off his ability.

Majordomo Executus

Eh. I feel like this would be too good.


I dislike Nozdormu since it punishes players who are lagging or (from what I hear) playing on a phone. Just seems terribly unfair to them. I like the idea of Nozdormu but in a practical sense it's actually quite a jerk of a card.

Savage Roar

Not sure.

Starving Buzzard

Not sure.

Savannah Highmane

There's nothing wrong with Highmane being as powerful as it currently is, honestly.

Flame Leviathan.

So basically you're giving us a 0 mana deal 2 damage to all characters card (that isn't effected by spell damage) that also draws you a mech war golem.

Ehhhh. This is pretty crazy, explosive sheep is a good card for freeze mage and this is a great card for freeze mage. Instead of sheep+ping to do the effect it's just 0 and if you want to, you get a 7/7 for 7.

I think that's fine, sure.

Eye for an eye

Really good. If they even deal 2 damage that's 4 damage for 1 mana, which is pretty good in aggressive decks and against other aggressive decks is both hard to play around and painful.

Still, very situational. So eh. Maybe. I think that . . . It's probably too good. As it stands it has it's niche in the secret paladin deck. It doesn't need to be better.


That's incredibly good, especially in a world where inspire exists. It also enables insane combos of hero power->shadowform->hero power at much lower amounts of mana which, again synergizes well with inspire very well and is just kind of awesome.

I think that Shadowform will probably find a place in the world in time, this just forces it to be an outstanding card.

Poisoned blade

No idea.



Pit Lord

I think I'd play 5 damage Pit Lord over this pile of garbage any day.

Frothing Berserker

No idea.

Overall most of these ideas are questionable.

You're creating cards that are absolutely outstanding at the drop of a hat, or could be with indirect buffs.

I also have no idea why you think nerfing heckler instead of buffing booty makes any sense.

I think that's an important thing: indirect buffs are key to making cards like eye for an eye better, or undertaker, or hey goldshire footman. That dude's got his niche in hobgoblin decks and . . . Maybe taunt warrior if that becomes a thing.

In fact I forgot to mention it but most of the 1/xs getting that +1 health is a huge deal for hobgoblin decks and is a pretty radical shift.

/r/hearthstone Thread