Is it better for a restaurant in difficulty to open 7 days instead of 5 ?

We started with a 5 day week when we first opened our restaurant. We went in with basically no experience in running a restaurant and felt the 2 days off would help us be prepared for the upcoming week. After a couple months, we realized we didn’t need those days off and could get the work done and be open making money, which ended up being great and earning 2 extra days worth of money every week.

That doesn’t mean it would be great for your friend or not though. We were busy since day 1 and had customers wanting us to open on those days and ready to support us. Opening the 2 extra days meant a substantial bump in payroll that we were fortunate enough to be able to afford. If your buddy opens the 2 extra days and has to raise payroll, but doesn’t see a boost in customers, he will be in a worse spot than he is now.

I’d say if he can do try it without risking too much extra money, it is worth a try. If he is having trouble he has no choice but to try something new. Get out there on social media, which makes a bigger difference than I thought it would. Offer something to get the people in the door, to get a chance to win them over. Lose a little money on first time customers if you must. Invest in customers that will eventually be paying the bills if you can turn them loyal with a great experience.

Basically, he needs to do something to make a change. Waiting out the bad times and hoping for eventual success, is possible, but unlikely and can take too long to stay afloat. He must be proactive. Also, I’m definitely not implying that he isn’t trying some of these things already, for all I know he is. But if it’s not making a difference yet, he needs to do even more.

I wish your friend luck and I want him to do well. It can be a tough job and life, especially when it’s not going so well. Come back to this post in the near future and give me an update if you can.

/r/restaurant Thread