[40K] Just came out of stasis

++Identification: Inquisitor Buddhafacepalmed, Ordo Chronos++

++Access: Granted++

++Report: During a routine maintence on Sector 34D-Quadrant 98G by Techpriests, they uncovered a capsule carbon-dated to M3. Due to its proximity to the Imperial Palace, it was immediately redirected to the Inquisition base on Luna. Subsequent investigation revealed it to be some sort of primitive cryostasis device, with designs traced back to a "Nied Sases of Amerika". During the inspection, the capsule began reviving its occupant. The occupant was sickly and malnourished, evident of prolonged cryostasis. After 3 luna cycles, Subject 01-A45 was deemed fit enough for interrogation. Subject 01-A45 could not speak nor understand Gothic, both High and Low. A psyker was brought in to help facillitate the interrogation. As of 0736, the psyker made physical contact with the subject. Psyker explain that the subject was placed into cryostasis due to a genetic defect. Said genetic defect had symptoms reminiscient of onset of psyker abilities. Subject 01-A45 then went on to make heretical claims about the God-Emperor being its progenitor, its only evidence a pictograph of the Emperor in the locket of its possession matching the icongraphy of the God-Emperor. When confronted about it, seeing as the subject was not allowed of its cells, the translator began to have a seizure, later determined to be a brain aneurysm. Later reports also state that psykers around the base began developing headaches and hearing voices. Fortunately, the Inquisitor in charge put 3 bolter rounds into the head of the Subject. The psyker phenomena stopped, though not soon enough for the translator. Subject 01-A45's body was then sent to the Magos Biologis for further dissection. End report.++

++Thought for the day: Let the strength of your will match the stone of your walls. ++

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