[Star Wars] Why didn't both sides of the Clone Wars employ battle droids? they were cheaper than clones so they would've made good supplemental troops

The first few seasons of Rebels are rough, but they just switch it up into a decent story out of the blue when it becomes more about the rebellion. The character development of Kanan was worth the rest of it.

I've tried and tried again with CW, because it would make the kid happy, but as soon as I hear that newsreel, my brain just tunes out.

I have read a lot of shit about Anakin's downfall in the books/comics because the movies certainly didn't show anything. They're pretty much the only non-Legends stuff I've got into on that side.

I do however, like what they did with Maul. I've had that whole development told to me point-by-point with added video clips, as well as his appearances in Rebels. I was always a bit upset about the underuse of such a cool looking villain in the movie, and I've been a big Sam Witwer fan since he was on Battlestar Galactica.

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