A 5 or 500 IQ move? Curious for everyone’s thoughts.

Everything Elon does just strengthens the opinions I’ve always held about him:

  1. He’s the smartest person alive (of the people we are aware of).

  2. He genuinely has a desire to positively change humanity forever.

  3. He doesn’t care about money except as a tool to accomplish his goals.

  4. He is one of the most socially awkward people and his Asperger’s Syndrome hinders his ability to make any type of emotional connection with anyone or anything. He isn’t even emotionally connected to positively changing humanity, he just looks at it as a challenge and will never give up.

  5. He has no clue how much impact his words have on people’s lives and that he can move a person from middle class to poor or from wealthy to middle class with a single tweet.

  6. His lack of ability to form emotional connections means he views everything as a transaction and that hurts his influence more than anything because he doesn’t have the ability to relate to people who are only influenced by those they can form emotional connections to.

  7. Everyone who thinks negatively about him is doing so from an emotional place, not a logical place, akin to thinking negatively about a lion who eats the cute baby gazelle.

  8. There’s nothing nefarious about him. There’s nothing evil about him. He’s an insanely wealthy, insanely powerful guy who carries with him the baggage of being the balding 20yr old computer nerd who probably didn’t get laid until PayPal made him rich.

/r/WallStreetbetsELITE Thread Link - i.redd.it