For every upvote. Ill buy AMC.

Let’s break this down for everyone who is worried or wants to know what to expect in the coming week:

AMC current status (30JAN2021) : AMC has 44.6 million shorted shares and a grand total of 52 million shares. That means 86% of shares are shorted (by hedge funds) and 14% are being longed (all of us)

Now what everyone is waiting for is when it’s time to close the positions of shorted shares and they (hedge funds) have to cover what they bet on.

Today’s target (1/29) was to beat $8.63 (what hedge funds were betting it would be come Monday) and we did that closing at $13.29! AWESOME!

So Monday when they’re forced to cover ($8.63) they will have to buy it at its current price to cover their bet. Raising the price up even higher.

But this isn’t even the best part. All of their other shorts are SIGNIFICANTLY lower. There are 9 different short stocks between $1.98-$5.96.

Over the next few trading days it is going to be a vIolent squeeze. We are at the starting line of what GME did. Hold your ground.

Short squeezes are historic: and to give you an example Volkswagen had a 46% short at $6 share price which squeezed to $110 a share back in 2008. And, who can forget our grand-som GME?

AMC is at 84% short at $13 The percentage is significantly higher and there’s a lot more room to grow. On the high end we’re talking the possibility of hitting $150-200 a share if everyone is smart and holding until Thursday.

Shorts can keep holding their positions AS LONG AS THEY HAVE the funds to do so. But borrowing fees increases with increase in volume and in the stock price, shorts have to keep paying more and more to hold.

This is a game to see who can outlast the other! HOLDDDD!

**The short interest ratio basically is telling us how much days it would take for the shorts to completely cover their positions based on the current volume.So for example, if the short interest ratio is 2 days, it would take 2 whole days for shorts to completely cover that position.

/r/WallStreetbetsELITE Thread