Bored of overly keen people.

My boss works so hard that i actually get anxious worrying about her health. She’s really nice but she’s loyal to a fault, so she’ll pull 80 hour weeks during the busy season without batting an eyelash. When the owners realized they were slowly killing her, they’ve half ass attempted to do things to lighten her load (one guy keeps buying technology that won’t help, and refusing to listen to her suggestions when he solicits them), and nothing’s changed.

A few times, they’ve banned any OT after 20 hours, saying “go home, sleep, eat, spend time with family, nothing is that important here, and it’ll be there when you get back” and she just worked unpaid OT so it wouldn’t be on her time sheet.

Another time, they closed the office for 3 days without warning so she’d get the weekend off. She snuck online and worked a little from home that weekend. She says they’re generous to do these sorts of things but they’re not the ones who have to deal with angry clients. (The clients would get over it. The owners told us to put angry clients in contact with them to set the client straight.)

Fucking breaks my heart. This poor person is gonna have a heart attack or something, all because of a job that ultimately doesn’t matter.

/r/antiwork Thread