About being Frum in college

I became frum in college . However, I grew up in a traditional modern orthodox type community where everyone ranged in observance. So I already kept kosher and shabbat was a weekly thing in my home, we never drove anywhere but we didn't keep it fully (watched TV, phones etc). But when I became frum I went full fledged ultra frummie. My parents didn't care so much, first they thought it's a phase. Then they were just like ok fine but don't wear a sheital or anything too crazy hahhaa. My dad recently said "Of all the crazy things you've done, I'm glad you became religious. I can't imagine if my daughter became some crazy leftist protesting BLM" My parents are Syrian/Iraqi sephardi-Israeli so they have a lot of respect for Torah but refuse to keep it fully because they don't think hashem cares abt all the little details lol but it helps that my grandparents are religious and just about everyone else in my extended family. But defintely I feel weird at home with my family sometimes because I know they think I'm crazy especially when I'm making a bracha or something. And instead of saying amen, my sister might just laugh or the like. So I try to do those things in private or be very discreet. Also, my mom sometimes is like oh you know maybe you should wear a tighter skirt it's sexier.. and I'm like ya mom it's also not tznius.. so sometimes it's frustrating and I try to look "sexier" with mom in a tzniusdik way and she's grown to like the fashion . At the begining it was difficult to not feel like a shmata or not feeling like myself cause I was so used to leggings, shorter dresses and jeans.

My friends, some are very nasty about it. Well really just one friend. She always makes fun of the fact that she can't call me on Friday or Saturday and honestly I have distanced myself because she gives me bad vibes and I realized how even when we do talk its all about her. Any other friends of mine have supported me. I also didn't change much when I became frum. I just became a better version of myself, and everyone sees how happy I am so they're happy for me at the end of the day.

Also, I just spent a year in seminary post graduation and I've met so many amazing girls who I'm sure I'll be friends with forever. Its amazing how I had the opportunity to take the year to come, learn and grow and meet such amazing growth minded people that all have the same mindset. Its been super refreshing! Having frum friends helps for sure but don't get lost and forget about your friends from before you were frum. Just cause your life is different doesn't mean you can't still have a relationship with them :)

If you have a chance to spend time in yeshiva/seminary in E"Y, I highly recommend it. You'll meet quality, lifelong friends, and grow in so many ways.

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