"Aggressive" rapper

People who have "only one rapper they like" aren't really interested in hip hop, and when that rapper is a white dude who doesn't swear... I'm trying to not be judgemental but I think you've got the wrong genre and the wrong subreddit. If you'd like to learn about good hip hop and what constitutes a genuinely great MC this is a good place to learn. The problem I'm having is that you don't seem very open minded or willing to broaden your horizons and learn something, it feels like you just want another white rapper who doesn't swear, and this isn't really a sub for it. This subreddit focuses on constructive education in hip hop, and it's an incredible resource if you're willing to try new things, and I'm hoping you'll reconsider.

Basically, NF is a rapper, not an MC, and his music is "Christian rap" which is closer to this than it is to hip hop, to be very frank.

/r/hiphop101 Thread