Align time! My ortho's reco is 12-16 mos of Invisalign for CAD$5K, any thoughts? (Details in comments)

My ortho recommended Invisalign for 12-16 months but said I need to extract my baby canine with my dentist beforehand.

The adult canine will then be moved forward and straighten some of my other crooked teeth along with a correction of the overbite. It costs $5K Canadian and includes all refinements and necessary aligners + appointments related to treatment.

My ortho has done over 300K cases, is a diamond provider of Invisalign, and has won multiple awards from the Invisalign Summit Case Awards. My main concern is just if that canine will be able to move that much, if this seems like a reasonable timeline, etc. Any thoughts or experience with similar teeth would be appreciated :) Thanks!

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