Kind of scared, because my mom wants me to show my arm

i have someone, that i told it voluntarily to, and they try to understand me and they care... i know myom cares too, but her knowing would just make things harder for me. and i am sorry, that that happened to you. I am a bit scared if my brother would do the same in the future if he'd know.. i really don't want that, and i don't want him to know it, because it makes it worse, when i have to share a room with him, so i never get to be rlly alone except night, but if they knew.. i'd probably be on their sights 24/7.

thanks for the advice anyways, but.. i think i will try to somehow keep it a secret as long as i can. i hope. you are good now and your sister too. i. hope you have a nice day, and take care!

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