All these guys that just got into mining...?

Because all my GPUs are free due to banking $8k after a few weeks with 1 card in my gaming computer. Half went to buying coins to trade with (already doubled there), and the other half bought 2 rigs.

Really could care less with profits nosediving right now, but ofcourse my situation is different... And I also didn't waste my winnings buying $1,000 double priced cards. So I still have 2-3 months of break-even anyways :) God bless you $70 RX 550s hashing away at half the rate of a 570/580. I started buying 570s end of December but quickly had to switch to the 550s due to price gouging ramping up again. Wasn't gonna go from spending less than $250 for a RX 570, to spending $400+. Had to switch things up and go best bang for the buck so I didn't blow my winnings stupidly.

/r/gpumining Thread