PoW vs PoS

It's reverse for rich people.

You know what noticed..

I've been with crypto dot com for over a couple years and hade staked to their Jade card working up from the base one, this was before they tanked the card perks, so when my stake was up I downgraded to Ruby and moved the 5k to the difi wallet on jerry's pool.

Now I missed the CRO pump to 1.24 Canadian dollars it did a while back by like a week because I couldn't unstake the Jade to sell on the exchange..

And since then I've been adding some mined profit too the difi stake and I'm getting about 20 bucks a day out of it now and that's at the CND $0.16 CENT price it's at now. Be it that it was actually dumb luck back when doge coin pumped I made a really good amount with little money. And used that for mining and the CRO stake.

If I sold 1-2gh worth of cards from my almost 3gh I would be making more then mining right now without the electric cost, even though I'm solar during the day..

So them rich people.. Drop like 10 grand into CRO difi and make enough for living at least basic living

/r/gpumining Thread Link - i.redd.it